Pride and Asking For Help

It’s hard for me to do this. I know there are many people in need right now. I know people right now in my life who are homeless. Family members (a sibling, a cousin and her family), a friend, and a young veteran I met yesterday. I know that we all have our hardships, we all have our bills to pay, our health issues, our many issues. Life can be challenging at times. I know that some of us live by the belief that it takes a village. I know that this is asking a lot. I know if I don’t ask now, I’ll suffer in private, semi-private silence, and be mad at myself that I didn’t get over my pride and just put it out there and ask for help. Very few of my friends and family know what I am going through at this time. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been telling the people closest to me about my current situation. I’ve been vacillating on whether to do this or not for awhile. Been working up the courage to post on FB. Some of you (my readers) already know that I’m struggling. I made a gofundme page. I’m asking that if you are not able to donate, that you share this. Many thanks to you.

About me: Hi All! My name is Evan. I recently graduated with Honors from my local community college. Graduation just happened to fall on my birthday! I earned an Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Child Development. Graduating from college is one of the accomplishments that I am most proud of. I am asking for help at this time so that I am able to continue pursuing my educational goals. My immediate need is to pay the rent, which is past due. I am about to lose the room I rent. Without a place to live, every aspect of life is much harder. Please, if you can help me by donating and/or sharing my page, I would be forever grateful. All donations will go towards my Summer/Fall school and living expenses.

School: This summer session I am enrolled in two Art History classes. They start on June 16th. My tuition is payed for through a Board of Governors fee waiver program for low income students. Some friends and family have chipped in to help me get my books.

I am two classes away from earning an Associate of Arts in American Sign Languge Studies and after this summer, 4 additonal classes will earn me an Associates of Art in Art. I plan to apply for Universities this Fall for next Fall (2015) and I am currently working on gethering information to apply for scholarships. My current GPA is a 3.79 with 86 units completed. Truthfully, I love learning and I think down the road I’d like to be a Professor.

Work: I am currently working customer service at a bookstore. I love my job and my co-workers. I work between 12-15 hours a week. During the summer we are not as busy so less hours are available. The job usually covers my monthly bills. This past school year I took out student loans to pay my rent. I am not eligible for any financial aid for the summer because I have a degree now. My plan is to get a second job this summer as a Plant Operations Aid. The pay is a bit better than the bookstore. The job will be available in mid July and I’ll need to pay for a background check. This fall I may have an opportunity to work in a daycare. I’ll need an infant/child/adult CPR certification. Donations will go towards obtaining these items.

Overcoming obstacles/hardships:
I am the first person in my immediate family to graduate from college. It’s been a long road. Poverty has been an issue throughout my life. While in school I have had periods of homelessness. During 2012, I spent 9 months of the year on people’s couches, floors,and sometimes sparerooms. I don’t want to go through that again.
I’ve been at my current place since November. I stay in a small add-on room. It’s private and conveniently a 5 minute bus ride/25 minute walk to school and work.

Extra About Me:
I am part of the “T” in the LGBT family. I began medical transition in June 3, 2009. Being able to start on this path freed me up so that I was able to give my attention/concentration to improving my quality of life. I started community college 6 months later, and now I am a college graduate! It hasn’t been easy, but transitiong is the best thing I have ever done for my life. I am proud of myself for my strength of character, never giving up, and having the courage to live my life with integrity and authenticity.

Besides school and work I volunteer in my community. I believe in giving to the community at large and paying it forward. I’ve spoken on panels at UCLA, UCSD, San Diego State, and San Diego Mesa College, talking about lgbt issues with an emphasis on Transgender issues. I volunteer with a local community group that provides resources and support for LGBT families. The families consist of LGBT- headed households raising children, and non-LGBT-headed households raising LGBT children. I usually do arts and crafts with kids ages 5-13.

This past week, I was approved for Calfresh so I am now able to purchase food. With the help of low-income health programs I have been able to get some of the medical care I need. With the help of the Disability Support Program and Services, great Professors, counselors, and classmates, my time in school these past few years have been good overall. If not for the love, support, encouragement, and well wishes from friends and family I wouldn’t have made it this far.

Thank you for your time reading all this!

Please share if you can/want to. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Donate Here.